Sunday, May 10, 2009

Desiring a Relationship for Marriage

This blog is mainly for girls feeling the pressure to have a relationship heading for marriage.

It seems like in college that every girl is engaged or seriously dating someone that they will eventually marry. College is like a breading ground for marriage. With all the engagements and soon to be engagements, it is hard to not feel the pressure to be in a serious relationship. Its ok to want a relationship with someone one but when it consumes your life is when it becomes a problem.

I am in the same boat as the majority of students, I am not in a serious relationship but I have a lot of friends who are in a serious relationship or are engaged. When I hear or see how happy they are with each other, it is hard to not get wrapped up in wanting that same thing. God designed us to have relationships with the opposite sex. I get through each day knowing that God has a perfect man for me and that when the right time comes, this man will enter into my life and I will feel the same happiness that a lot of my friends are feeling. Another way that distracts me is being involved in school and organizations.

If you are having trouble not being consumed by the pressure to get engaged in college, I would spend some serious time with God. Knowing that God has your life in His hands is very comforting and stress-relieving. Its not healthy to consume your life with the ideas of having or wanting a serious relationship. So trust in God and be patient, your prince will come.

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