When you get to college, you will hear a lot about your grades and GPA. To be successful in the world means to get the best grades, graduate at the top of your class, and to go on to make a lot of money.
During my freshmen year, I was obsessed with my grades and spent all my time studying. The studying paid off and I made good grades. I was struggling with other parts of my life though. I realized that grades are not everything. As Christians, we realize that there is something so much greater waiting for us than what is here on earth. It is easy though, to get sucked up into what the world thinks is important.
One thing that has helped me is to read the Bible and just keep reminding myself that my life is in God's hands and that He has a plan for my life. This plan may not be what I want right now, but in the end it will all work out. Another thing that has helped me is to just be surrounded with other Christians so that I do not get so worked up about grades and lose control. They help keep me accountable, level-headed, and grounded.
One more thing is to have an adult mentor that you can turn to when life gets rough. They have gone through what we are going through right now and they have learned from their mistakes. A mentor has more knowledge about life and the obstacles that it will throw at us.
This things helped me and they should help you. The most important thing is to not get caught up with what the world thinks and to just live your life through Christ and to follow Him and trust in Him.
The Spirituality of Early Christianity
7 years ago
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