Usually when you come to college many of your friends do not come with you. It is scary not having that close knit of friends with you anymore, they aren't there to keep you accountable or to do things with instead of going partying and drinking.
I was lucky enough to have five of my closest friends go to the same college as me. They kept me accountable and we still did things together. One thing I promised myself was that even though my best friends were coming to college with me, I would make new Christian friends.
At the University I go to, there are over 300 student run organizations to become involved in. The first thing I did was go to open house, which is a day when all the organizations gather together and advertise so you will join their organization. I encourage you to do that too if your school has a time like this. Obviously, in order to make new Christian friends, I would advise you to join some Christian-based organizations. There are others ways to meet Christians, become involved in your church, join non-Christian based organizations because there is bound to be some Christians in them. I have also realized that you can meet Christians in your classes. At first this might seem intimidating to just go up to someone in your class and start talking to them about religion. I wouldn't say to do that but I am saying that you should get to know them first and then maybe start talking about religion and church.
During the second semester of my freshmen year, I was sitting by this girl in my math class and we got along great. Almost three-fourths the way through the semester, I realized that she was a Christian.
So in short, I would recommend that you would get involved in Christian and non-Christian organizations, start talking to your classmates, and get involved in your church.
The Spirituality of Early Christianity
7 years ago
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