Saturday, May 2, 2009


I know I already talked about some of the temptations that you will face when you come to college but I feel like underage drinking and drinking in general is a huge temptation that all college students face on a day-to-day basis.

First off, if you are underage and drinking, it is not only God who you are disappointing but you are also breaking the law and can get arrested. Don't drink if you are underage, it is stupid and irresponsible. Because of one drink, your life can change drastically.

Obviously, when you are in college there is a lot more freedom to make your own decisions and do things that you want to do. Responsibility also comes with that freedom. There are parties every weekend and sometimes during the week, with the parties comes alcohol and a lot of it. There are very few parties that do not have alcohol. I know that it is hard to be the sober one when everyone else at that party is drunk and looks like they are having a good time. You also may be pressured into drinking. Stand up for yourself and stay strong against the peer pressure, you know your beliefs so you should live up to them and not do anything you do not want to do or anything that you think God would not approve of.

If you know that you are easily pressured into doing things that you do not think are good, don't go to parties that you know will have alcohol or use the buddy system and take a friend who doesn't drink either. Having a friend there can also keep you accountable and you can leave when the party gets out of control. You can also have your own party at someone's house with friends and no alcohol. Having other friends that do not drink are important to help you stay up with your morals and they can help you find other ways to have fun without drinking.

One thing I have realized as a Christian is that it does not matter what other people think of you here on earth, the only person whose opinion matters is God's. He ultimately determines our fate in the end. If I am stuck in a sticky situation, I just think about whether or not God would approve of what I am doing or not. I also have awesome Christian friends who do not party, we have parties at each other's house and just visit, play games, and enjoy each other's company. That means more to me than going to some random party and drinking the night away with some people I do not know.

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