When you come to college, there are a lot of temptations that you will face. For example, sex, alcohol, and drugs. These are not necessarily new temptations but they are more prevalent in college and with all the new freedom you now have, you will be tested. One thing I struggled with was all the freedom and having the power to choose what to do and when to do it. When you get to college, your parents aren't there to tell you when you can go out and who you can go out with. There is no curfew, rules, or guidelines to follow. You are your own guardian and you have to decide for yourself what is right or wrong.
If you decide to join a sorority or fraternity, the temptations will be much stronger than if you did not join. There are parties every weekend which have a lot of alcohol and everyone will be drinking most likely. I am not trying to deter you away from sororities or fraternities, I have a lot of good, christian friends who are in sororities. You just need to be aware of what temptations you are facing and have a plan of how you will stay away from them.
Some things that helped me not give into the temptations, were that I had good friends who helped me stay on track, I went to church regularly, and I joined some christian organizations. In order for me to not fall into temptations, I had to be poured into constantly by the word of God and to surround myself with people who had the same beliefs and morals as me.
So, to end this on a positive note, you can keep away from temptations and stay strong in college, you just have to put some effort into it and make it happen for yourself, not for anyone else.
The Spirituality of Early Christianity
7 years ago
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